Skillpedia Menjadi Sponsor Seminar Nasional Informatika Ifest Unpad 2024
National seminar is an event that invites speakers who have insights into informatics careers. We aim to provide a platform for sharing information, experiences, and ideas for those already involved in or interested in pursuing a career in the field of informatics.
Exploring Career Path In Technology: Navigating Challenges and Opportunities
Is pursuing a career in IT still worth it?
With the end of the pandemic, the startup trend that had been growing has seen a decline over the past two years. Additionally, issues like Artificial Intelligence potentially replacing programmer jobs have emerged. So, as job opportunities in the IT field decrease, is pursuing a career in this field still worth it?
Pada acara ini, Skillpedia membagikan kupon akses gratis Skillpedia kepada para peserta seminar IFest 2024.
Logo Skillpedia mendapat penghargaan dicantumkan sebagai sponsor resmi IFest 2024.